Your 6-year-old: Milestones and development (2024)

Your 6-year-old is a big guy, but he's still little, too. Be sensitive when he messes up, and if he's developed a bad habit, keep in mind that it's his way of coping with stress. Stay out of power struggles by giving him a choice when you can and being firm when you can't. Provide him with structure, a good place to do his homework, and plenty of healthy food. Help him learn to ride his bike, and teach him some safety rules about riding, too. Time to stock up on payouts from the tooth fairy!

Welcome to 6

Now We Are Six is a book of children's poetry by A.A. Milne, the creator of Winnie the Pooh. The title alone makes it a fun book to have on your child's shelf. But this kind of book illustrates some other interesting points about 6-year-olds:

  • Sixes love poems because of the word play and repetition.
  • They also enjoy nonsense words and onomatopoeia (words that sound like the thing they describe, such as "hiss" or "buzz").
  • Kids this age are working to understand more about what "big people" do - discoveries that make them feel both confident and confused. The poems reflect a child's increasingly complex world.
  • Sixes have vivid imaginations. The characters in such poems include knights, teddy bears, and all kinds of fanciful creatures and situations. The familiar inhabitants of the Hundred Acre Wood are also here. Children this age cling to the comfortingly familiar as well as looking eagerly to new things.
  • Six-year-olds still love being read to, even as they begin to master books all on their own.

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Little big kid

Strive to find a balance between thinking of your child as a "big kid" (which he is) and a "little one" (which he also still is, in many ways). Grant him more responsibility to make choices, get himself dressed, and the like.

At the same time, recognize that he's not mature enough yet to be a master at things like self-discipline and self-control. He's still learning the ropes, and he will slip up.

Bedtime battles

Even once-reliable sleepers sometimes have trouble going to bed and staying there. All the anxieties of the day can surface the minute your child's head hits the pillow. Should she go to the sleepover even if she's scared to? What will her brother do when he finds out she lost his baseball? Couple this anxiety with her growing body and busy day.

If your child is resisting bedtime, ask her why it's become a problem. She may identify another reason: Maybe she's not tired or is afraid of the dark. More physical activity, cutting out caffeine, or soothing her fears may help.

Most kids still respond well to a strict bedtime routine. Let your child have some control over the process of shaping it. Curb screen time, computer play, and vigorous activity an hour or so before bedtime as these things tend to jazz kids up instead of calm them down.

Your child may prefer being read to after a bath, or just snuggling to chat. A talk is a great way to catch up and the perfect time for her to unburden herself of those worries that may be keeping her awake.

Family Night

Looking for more family time? Some families hold a weekly Family Night where outside engagements are verboten. Others hold regular pizza-and-movie dinners.

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Or you might consider the modern twist: The Unplugged Night, where computers, tablets, phones, and all manner of electronic gizmos are shut off for a fixed amount of time while you all play board games or take a family walk.

Eye problems

Often the early school years are when vision problems first surface. Doctors screen for vision health during pre-school checkups. Teachers also tend to notice when their students have difficulty seeing the board or participating in class activities.

Among the things to watch out for:

  • Complaining about being able to read signs or other words at distances
  • A lack of interest in reading
  • Holding a book very close to the nose
  • Lots of eye rubbing
  • Squinting
  • Chronic eye tearing (which can indicate a blocked duct)
  • Abnormal eye alignment (such as a wandering eye or crossed eyes)
  • Sensitivity to light

An eye exam will check both your child's visual acuity and general eye health. Nearsightedness (myopia) is the most common vision problem for kids of school age. Fortunately, today's glasses are sturdy and, because they're not actually made of glass, less likely to break than specs of a generation ago. Contact lenses aren't advised until adolescence.

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Bike riding lesson

A tip for teaching a child to ride a bike: Hold on to his shoulders rather than the seat as you run alongside. This allows him to correct his balance, not you.

Note that some kids pick riding up in a jiffy; others will need patience and lots of practice. Try to curb your own frustration if your child takes a while to catch on. You'll only make him feel worse.

As your child grows more confident about bike riding, be sure you've gone over basic safety rules with him.

  • Wear a helmet each and every ride.
  • Stick to the sidewalks, not the street.
  • Stop at each corner to look both ways before crossing.
  • Watch the terrain, because piles of wet leaves or sand, dirt, and pebbles can be hazards that lead to wipeouts.
  • Keep both hands on the handlebars. And never mind that "Look Ma, no hands!" business!

Creating a library

What books should be in a good first library? Here are some guidelines:

  • Foremost, look for books your child can read comfortably. The general rule: Kids should be able to read a page with no more than five errors.
  • Simple readers that repeat words and phrases or that have lots of rhyming words and predictable plots all build confidence. (Example: Dr. Seuss's Beginner Books series.)
  • Consider your child's interests. Choose tales that relate to experiences in her life, like going to the dentist or making the soccer team. If she likes a certain author or illustrator, look for more titles by that person.
  • Aim for variety. Don't forget poetry and nonfiction titles.
  • Include some books with only illustrations. As your child looks at the pictures and tells the story in her own words, she builds storytelling skills. She's also learning that pictures provide clues to what the story is about, a skill that will help her figure out unfamiliar words in books with print.
  • Pick up a few books that are beyond her reading ability, too. These are for you to read aloud together. Her auditory comprehension (understanding what she hears) is still way ahead of her reading comprehension (understanding what she reads). Being read to expands a child's vocabulary.

Tooth fairy

Paging the tooth fairy! While some children begin to lose teeth as early as 4 or 5, age 6 is the average age for the first tooth to come out. Think about how you will commemorate this big event. Will your child put the tooth under her pillow and hope the tooth fairy will exchange it for cash? If so, how much?

Some families wrap the tooth in tissue, while others use a fancy box. Given that your child has a mouthful to lose in the coming years, pick a routine you'll be happy to repeat. (Giving a big gift for each lost tooth, for example, can add up.)

Your social butterfly

Six-year-olds become quite social in their play, drawing friends into their dramas and concocting more elaborate story lines. They're more creative about finding and using props around the house; for example, using blankets to build forts and towels to make capes. It's a good idea to provide lots of prop possibilities and be generous about sharing household items when you can.

An interest in rules makes its way into playtime, too. Kid this age love to be the director. "Run into the room and say, 'Boo!'" they may order a friend. Often kids will take turns directing the play. But if you have two or more assertive types, the bossiness can lead to fights. Let them try to hash it out themselves, but be prepared to step in to help them resolve serious conflicts.

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Bonus: How to help your child make friends

Cleaning up

It seems to be a modern maxim that the bigger kids get, somehow the messier the house becomes. A few little tricks can help you from getting dragged down by clutter, which organizational experts know is a major stressor to busy parents. For example:

  • Try the "ten-minute" rule. Set a timer and spend just ten minutes whittling away the clutter you see. Then stop. This keeps the job from becoming overwhelming but yields visible results.
  • Teach your child to clean up one game or play zone before embarking on a new one.
  • Hang some pegs inside a closet or just inside a doorway that your child can reach. It can be easier for little hands to hang a jacket on a peg than a hanger.

Picky eaters

Handling picky eater issues requires the same matter-of-fact, low-pressure strategy that's effective for other behavioral challenges like power struggles and defiance. No arguing, no raised voices. Put the food on the table - healthy options, of course - without dwelling on it.

Try to have at least one thing you think your child will eat, and then let her choose what, and how much, to eat. If it's only bread, so be it. Your child won't starve or die of malnutrition. The goal is to avoid introducing a lot of emotion surrounding food.

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There's also a legitimate scientific reason for kids' dietary fussiness. They have more taste buds than we do (taste buds die as we age), so flavors are more intense. That may be why your child turns up her nose at spicy flavors and vegetables like broccoli. (And some people – supertasters – have more sensitive taste buds than others.)

Try serving veggies steamed or cooked with a little sauce or butter. Sweeter options like red peppers, sweet potatoes, and carrots may be more popular than chard or broccoli. Know, too, that kids who eat with their families instead of alone have been shown to eat more healthfully.

Mom's interests

Feeling like you have no time for your own interests? Try this exercise: Make a list of 10 things you love to do and work your way through the list.

Look for patterns among the items: Crafts? Reading? Sports? Pick one activity in one of your top categories and decide you'll spend time at it this month. Read a best-selling novel? Take a tai chi class? A baby step of just couple of hours a month is a small time commitment - but a big step toward reclaiming a bit of your old self.

Handling accidents

Misdeeds deserve consequences, right? But in order to hand down a suitable consequence, you need to understand why your child misbehaves. Did she do it on purpose or was it an accident? Does she know the difference?

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At 6, your child is learning the difference between accidental and intentional behaviors. Most children don't plot to do wrong. Baseballs sail off course and through windows; pants get ripped; things happen.

Yes, you may have told your child thousands of times to throw the ball away from the house. But kids this age are impulsive and have trouble visualizing future sequences of events; they often can't see what effect their actions will have until something bad happens.

In the event of an accident, grit your teeth and try to stay calm. Talk about the implications of her behavior. Try to involve your child in an appropriate remedy: helping to clean up what was broken, for example.

But sometimes, kids know exactly what they're doing wrong. Kids intentionally act out when they're angry, frustrated, tired, or feel under pressure. Put yourself in her place. She has so little control over her life. She's bound to go over the line occasionally as she tries to assert herself.

While you can't let her get away with bad behavior, be sensitive. You may need to deal with the underlying issue by making sure she gets more rest or role-playing other things she can do to manage her anger.

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Bonus: Your top 10 discipline dilemmas - solved

Down time

All of this social pressure can wear on your child. Sometimes she'll need to shut out the world and play alone, avoiding the stress of managing peer relationships. Balance playdates with plenty of private time.

Power plays

Getting snared in a power struggle with a 6-year-old can be tough to avoid. He wants control, and he'll fight for it valiantly. Engaging in these tussles with your child is a losing proposition, though. He'll continue to defy, dawdle, ignore, argue - whatever it takes to grab back some control. The more you insist and get upset, the more power he feels. He now knows just what to do to get a rise out of you.

The trick is to give your child power without surrendering yours. That means choosing your battles. Let him make choices over things appropriate for his age - what to wear, what friend to have over. Give him options whenever you can. "Would you like turkey or ham for dinner?"

And when he truly has no choice, be firm and in control. "You must wear your helmet." Don't debate, and give swift, appropriate consequences if he disobeys or argues with you. "You wear it, or you won't ride your bike the rest of the day."

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Soothing routines

Structure makes children feel safe. They have something to hold onto amid all the anxiety and know what to expect. "When I get home, I know I'll have a snack, do my homework, and then walk the dog."

You'll also notice how much less fighting there is if you stick with the routines. Kids will understand what needs to get done and when. Enough said. And they feel proud when they pack their own backpacks and finish their chores.

That's not to say you have to be a zealot. There are times - like birthdays or meteor showers - when it's okay to veer off schedule and get to bed a tad late.

If kids catch on to routines now and learn good habits, they can handle larger changes down the road. Let's face it, if they can't brush their teeth and do their homework now, how will they ever pay the bills and get to work on time when they grow up?

Homework habits

Now that your child is entering the homework years, it's a good time to plan how to handle it. Set up a place for your child to work. Many kids do well with a desk or table in their bedroom, but some younger kids prefer to do the work near a parent - maybe at the kitchen table. Have your child do his assignments at a consistent time, such as right after school or right after dinner.

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Should you help? Be available to answer questions, but most teachers feel it's best if you don't give answers or actually do the work. The point isn't that the work gets finished correctly but that your child understands the underlying concepts.

Bad habits

Hair twisting, nail biting, nose picking, and shirt gnawing are just a few of the annoying habits 6-year-olds develop. Your child isn't out to irk you. Such habits are a way of coping with stress. Nagging to stop is actually counterproductive. It only draws negative attention to the habit, making your child more nervous and attached to it.

Instead, talk about it in a more casual way. Identify the habit and offer rational reasons for stopping, ones that are clear and understandable to a 6-year-old. "Picking your nails can give you an infection that could hurt." Or "You've been growing out your hair for a long time now. But if you keep chewing on it, we may have to cut it because it's not a polite thing to do."

Enlist your child's help in coming up with ways to stop. Suggest a secret wink or hand motion to signal him when he's chewing on his shirt, for example. Offer positive reinforcement: If he can keep his shirt out of his mouth for a month, you'll buy him that sports jersey he's been begging for.

Most of these unpleasant habits disappear as kids get older and learn other ways to handle anxiety. Peer pressure will help, too. Not too many kids let their classmates get away with picking their noses.

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Extended play

Your child's longer attention span allows him to extend a play theme over a few days or across multiple playdates now. Try to set aside a place in your house for your child to leave out things he's working on, such as art projects, forts or playhouses, or block cities.

Asking questions

Do you find yourself reading Wikipedia to your increasingly curious child, fielding questions about tough topics like whether God exists or why some people are fat? Your child is not only curious about abstract issues, she can now articulate such thoughts better.

When you feel put on the spot, it's okay to stall for time, so long as you do follow-up: "That's a good question. We're almost to school now, but let's talk about it more when you come home." Never get upset at a child for raising any topic. She needs to know she can come to you with anything.

Keep explanations simple. While 6-year-olds can ask abstract questions, they can't understand abstract answers. They're still literal, concrete thinkers for the most part.

Use their questions as a springboard for some of those difficult topics you'll have to deal with eventually anyway. For example, questions about why those people outside the shelter always look so dirty can lead to a meaningful conversation - at his level - about people who may not have as much as he does.

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Do be careful about relating these conversations to other adults in your child's presence, no matter how poignant or funny they are. You don't want to make him feel self-conscious or silly for coming to you. Kids want to be taken seriously.

Staying hydrated

Many kids don't drink enough water during the day. The Institute of Medicine recommends that children 4 to 8 years old drink 7 cups of water per day. To encourage staying hydrated, get your child a water bottle, such as a sports bottle or one made for hiking. (Discount stores offer many types decorated with popular characters or sports teams.)

Put his name on it and let him carry it with him to school and around the house. (Be sure to wash it every day.) Doing the same yourself can help set a good example. Bonus: Your child gets in the habit of swigging plain H2O rather than soda or juice.

Growing up

The average 6-year-old is about 45 inches tall and weighs approximately 45 pounds. Your child will double that weight by the time he reaches adolescence and grow to five feet tall or more!

Your child's doctor tracks this growth, of course, but you can help your child develop in a healthy way by serving nutritious food and making sure he gets lots of exercise. Two kinds of measurements to bear in mind: height-weight percentiles and BMI.

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If the doctor tells you that your 6-year-old son is in the 75th percentile for weight, for example, that means 75 percent of the boys his age in the United States weigh the same or less than your child and 25 percent weigh more.

BMI, or body-mass index, is a calculation based on the relationship between height and weight and it's often used to help determine whether a person is underweight or overweight. A different chart is used for children than adults.

Your child's feet are growing, too. Although it's tempting to buy the most inexpensive shoes you can find because they are outgrown so quickly, remember that your child depends on secure footwear for all that running and playing he should be doing at this age.

Be sure that shoes fit well, and if they have laces or straps, fasten them securely on your child's feet. Every child needs a good pair of tennis shoes. Plastic croc-style shoes or flip-flops won't allow him to run well.

Music appreciation

Just because you find yourself spending more time behind the wheel with your child doesn't mean you're doomed to a decade or more of listening to kids' music. Play what you like to hear in the car.

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Ideally, it's great to expose your child to many forms of music, from classical and jazz to reggae and rock. One caveat: Be careful about the news programs and talk radio you consume. Your child is paying attention even if it doesn't seem like it, so if the subject or language isn't appropriate, find something else that is.

Bonus: How to encourage your budding musician.

Look ahead to 6 ¼-years

Your 6-year-old: Milestones and development (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.